The Old Groynes of Spurn Point

Project Statement

This body of work was taken over three days at Spurn Point in Yorkshire (England) in December 2022.

My intention was to create a panel of “fine art” black & white images using long exposures of 1 to 2 minutes to remove the strong distractions of the waves and brown muddy waters of the North Sea.

The goal was to provide simple compositions highlighting the decaying architectural elegance of these old sea defences that are quickly vanishing to the ravages of time.

About Spurn Point

Spurn Point is Yorkshire’s very own Lands End – an iconic and constantly moving peninsula which curves between the North Sea and the Humber Estuary. At over three miles long but as little as 50 metres wide, this landscape is unique and ever-changing.

Spurn has an extensive human history, leaving a legacy of fascinating but derelict buildings and hidden structures. But Spurn remains, and will always be, an utterly wild place. Always at the mercy of the elements, no two days at Spurn are ever the same.

For more information see Yorkshire Wildlife Trust – Spurn Head