I wanted to go somewhere in my van for some photography. As I have mentioned before I am trying to park-up somewhere for a number of days and then concentrate photographing within walking distance of where I park-up. So looking at my list of places ear-marked as possible locations to visit, I decided to head to Spurn Point in Yorkshire for 3 days of photography.
Spurn point is Yorkshire’s very own Lands End – an iconic and constantly moving peninsula which curves between the North Sea and the Humber Estuary. At over three miles long but as little as 50 metres wide, this landscape is unique and ever-changing.
My aim for this trip was to produce a small project entirely focused on the decaying groynes (or sea defences) and to produce a set of “fine art” black & white images using long exposures of 1 to 2 minutes. The aim for the long exposures was to remove any distraction caused by the waves breaking around the groynes and help create that “fine art” look
Having never been here before, I arrived late afternoon and made the 6 mile round trip walk from the van to scout out a suitable area to concentrate on. What I found, was that the all the appealing compositions were within the same 1-mile stretch of beach 🙂
I then spent the next 3 days walking to this stretch of beach and photographing the groynes under different tidal and weather conditions. As is always the case when repeating visits to the same location, you come to understand and appreciate the location better opening up different interpretations and previously unseen compositions.