One thing I like doing at this time of year is to explore potential new locations that I have found after hours poring over Ordnance Survey Maps (using the excellent OS Maps Online facility) and Google Earth. If after a visit, I think the location does have potential, I will plan to re-visit at the optimum time of year and/or weather conditions.
Often this exploring fails to deliver and I spend the day wandering around peaceful and pleasant areas of the countryside – so I can’t complain!
On this day, I had ear-marked a couple of new woodland locations in Snowdonia and with a forecast of low cloud, mist and rain, I was hopeful of finding something interesting to photograph. Whilst the mist failed to arrive, the rain did – so it was another wet day walking around a woodland.
Of the images I managed to make this day, my favourites are “Spring Layers” and “Woodland Falls”.
Finding carpets of fresh bluebells was unexpected as bluebell season at home is well over now, but it is still in full swing in Snowdonia. Location is now firmly on the autumn location list.