We sat in the car thinking where can we go? We were aiming to end the day for a sunset over Bamford Edge in the Peak District but as that was about 9 hours away we had plenty of time to check out a new location. So with the faithful local area guide in our hands we flicked through the pages until something grabbed our attention and off we went.
The thing with “new” locations is you just don’t know what you will get unless you have researched it online and even then it can be very different. In this case, we hadn’t been there before and not seen anything online from this location – so it would be interesting; interesting in a good way or a bad way we would see.
As it was, it was in a good way.
What we found was a wonderful wooded limestone gorge with a river running through it.
Being winter on the cusp of spring, it was not at its best – but a lot of the skeleton trees were covered in a thick coating of moss or lichen providing a wonderful contrast to the limestone rock face of the gorge.
In the end we stayed here all day and missed out on a potential sunset from Bamford Edge.
Looking forward to a return visits in the autumn.